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Teaching Strategies for the Social Studies : Inquiry, Valuing, and Decision-Making

Banks, James A.

Teaching Strategies for the Social Studies : Inquiry, Valuing, and Decision-Making bk / James A. Banks and Ambrose A. Clegg - 4th ed. - New York Longman Group Ltd. 1990 - 506p. xv, ill., Includes bibliographical references and index


The fourth edition of 'Teaching Strategies for the Social Studies Inquiry, Valuing, and Decision-Making' explores the goal of social studies education, and skills issues and materials. It discusses the social science disciplines, that is, structure, concepts, and strategies.

This book covers current developments, research, and discussions in social studies education.

Recommended for students and lecturers.


Edu. Sec.

--Social sciences -- Study and teaching (Secondary)--Social sciences -- Study and teaching (Elementary)


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