Curriculum and Instruction
Nacino-Brown, R.
Curriculum and Instruction bk / R. Nacino-Brown, Festus E. Oke and Desmond P. Brown - [Oxford] Macmillan Publishers 1982 - 239p. x, ill.
This is an introductory textbook on the principles, methods and techniques of teaching the African environment. The book first introduces the concepts of teaching, communication and curriculum. Then the traditional and modern approaches to teaching techniques are explained together with useful advice on how and when to apply these. Planning instruction, formulating objectives, the management and discipline of students, all which are becoming increasingly important, are described by the authors.
The book discusses the methods of evaluating student performance, emphasising the evaluation of real understanding and the ability to apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate the knowledge accured, rather than just measure rote learning. Finally, innovations in education are explained.
Recommended for students and lecturers.
Curriculum and Instruction bk / R. Nacino-Brown, Festus E. Oke and Desmond P. Brown - [Oxford] Macmillan Publishers 1982 - 239p. x, ill.
This is an introductory textbook on the principles, methods and techniques of teaching the African environment. The book first introduces the concepts of teaching, communication and curriculum. Then the traditional and modern approaches to teaching techniques are explained together with useful advice on how and when to apply these. Planning instruction, formulating objectives, the management and discipline of students, all which are becoming increasingly important, are described by the authors.
The book discusses the methods of evaluating student performance, emphasising the evaluation of real understanding and the ability to apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate the knowledge accured, rather than just measure rote learning. Finally, innovations in education are explained.
Recommended for students and lecturers.