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The Evolution of Education in Zambia

Carmody, Brendan

The Evolution of Education in Zambia bk / Brendan Carmody - Lusaka Bookworld 2004 - 221p. xxvi,includes bibliographical references and index


This book presents an historical account of the development of the formal education in Zambia.In doing so it offers a context for understanding the challenge of not only achieving universal basic education but of creating a society where poverty is eliminated and justice prevails. The book postulates the advent of schools, the colonial school between 1924 and 1964, the Zambian government and formal education between 1964 and 1973, and 1991 to 2003. It finally discusses socio-cultural aspects and socio-political aspects of Zambia's formal education as well as the University of Zambia. .

Recommended for students and lecturers.



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