Teaching Methods Across the Curriculum
0banya, Pai
Teaching Methods Across the Curriculum bk / Pai Obanya - London Collins 1985 - 199p. ill., includes bibliographical references and index
Teaching Methods across the curriculum is essential reading for students in advanced teachers colleges and universities who acquires an introduction to the principles ,methods and techniques of teaching. Starting with a thorough analysis of the theoretical basis for good teaching the text goes through on to examine different subject areas and the particular ways of learning and knowing appropriate for each area.
Teaching Methods Across the Curriculum bk / Pai Obanya - London Collins 1985 - 199p. ill., includes bibliographical references and index
Teaching Methods across the curriculum is essential reading for students in advanced teachers colleges and universities who acquires an introduction to the principles ,methods and techniques of teaching. Starting with a thorough analysis of the theoretical basis for good teaching the text goes through on to examine different subject areas and the particular ways of learning and knowing appropriate for each area.