Caring for school Age children
Click, Phyllis.M
Caring for school Age children bk / Phylis M. Click and Jennifer Parker - 3rd - Austrelia Delmar, Thousand Learning 2002 - 334p. xviii, ill., includes bibliographical references and index
This book discusses the information on social issues and developmentally appropriate practice with school aged children and on the adult role as professional. Further more it gives constructive ideas for program planning, day to day activities and the implementation of specific curricula. In addition it discusses the benefits to using community resources and national programs designed to improve the quality of the centers through accreditation, credentialing and evaluation.
Br Adam
--school age child care
305. 234
Caring for school Age children bk / Phylis M. Click and Jennifer Parker - 3rd - Austrelia Delmar, Thousand Learning 2002 - 334p. xviii, ill., includes bibliographical references and index
This book discusses the information on social issues and developmentally appropriate practice with school aged children and on the adult role as professional. Further more it gives constructive ideas for program planning, day to day activities and the implementation of specific curricula. In addition it discusses the benefits to using community resources and national programs designed to improve the quality of the centers through accreditation, credentialing and evaluation.
Br Adam
--school age child care
305. 234