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Children's Thinking : Cognitive Development and Individual Differences

Bjorklund, David F.

Children's Thinking : Cognitive Development and Individual Differences bk / David F. Bjorklund - 4th ed. - Belmont Wadsworth Cengage Learning 2005 - 610p. xiii, ill., Includes bibliographical references and index

Crafted in a manner that makes topics easier and clear and enlightening for both graduate and undergraduate audiences,Children's Thinking explores the dynamic field of cognitive development with an increased emphasis on the interactive nature of development. Taking an empirical perspective Bjorklund summerizes and illuminates classic and contemporary theory and research creating a picture of development that reveals the ways in which developmental function can help explain individual differences in cognition.His discussion of the "seven truths of cognitive development presented in the introductory chapter and carried through the rest of the text enables readers to see the field as a dynamic developing entity connected by general principles.


--Child Psychology


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