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The Canisian Golden Jubilee 50 Years 1949 -1999

The Canisian Golden Jubilee 50 Years 1949 -1999 bk - Chikuni Canisius Secondary School 1999 - 120p. ill. - The Canisian Golden Jubilee 50 Years 1949-199 No. 1 VOL. 4 .


'Golden Jubilee the Canisian' is a Canisius Secondary School journal written with the sore purpose of elaborating developments that occurred at the school between 1949 and 1999 when it celebrated its golden jubilee. Its a reflection of what took place at the school from its inception to the time it attained its golden jubilee. Changes and developments in staffing, departments, sections and clubs are explained.

Recommended for students, researchers and lecturers


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