Mayasanino aa Busongo : Summit of Knowledge Charles Lwanga College of Education Journal, January, 2010 Vol. 1 No. 2
Mayasanino aa Busongo : Summit of Knowledge Charles Lwanga College of Education Journal, January, 2010 Vol. 1 No. 2 bk
/ Charles Lwanga College
- Monze CLCE 2010
- 155p. vi, Includes biblliogrphical references
- Mayasanino aa Busongo No.2 Vol.1 2071193X .
This second issue Mayasanino aa Busongo is a journal meant to stimulate research among Charles Lwanga College of Education lecturers and lecturers in Other Colleges and Universities who will have the opportunity to read it. Rsearch ought to be the pulse of third level Institutions and by publications of the articles contained therein;we believe we will be making positive contributions in all areas of the education sector.The articles address issues of teaching,curriculum and pedagogy in general .In Short the vocation of the journal is to help teacher educationist to reflect on their practice ,design and carry out research with a view to addressing problems of pedagogy and teacher education.
--Mayasanino aa Busongo - Periodicals--Charles Lwanga College of Education - Periodicals
This second issue Mayasanino aa Busongo is a journal meant to stimulate research among Charles Lwanga College of Education lecturers and lecturers in Other Colleges and Universities who will have the opportunity to read it. Rsearch ought to be the pulse of third level Institutions and by publications of the articles contained therein;we believe we will be making positive contributions in all areas of the education sector.The articles address issues of teaching,curriculum and pedagogy in general .In Short the vocation of the journal is to help teacher educationist to reflect on their practice ,design and carry out research with a view to addressing problems of pedagogy and teacher education.
--Mayasanino aa Busongo - Periodicals--Charles Lwanga College of Education - Periodicals